Welcome to Salem State to all you new artists of all types on our campus! I hope you get to know us and get to know each other to create some fabulous art of all kinds. Here's some info to keep you connected.
Follow Salem State Arts on facebook. Be sure to follow the University page, not the old college page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Salem-MA/Salem-State-University-Center-for-the-Arts/136924023013308?ref=ts
You'll get upcoming info on art, theatre, dance, art and music there, plus info on scholarships, grants, contests, alumni updates, etc.
Want the whole calendar for the semester? Download a pdf of Artsview, the twice-yearly arts newsletter. It's on the Salem State website: http://www.salemstate.edu/arts/2362.php
Do you know where performances are held? Give yourself an arts orienation and visit Callan Studio Theatre (90 seat black box) in the basement of Sullivan Building, the Recital Hall, (165 seat, 6 year old music hall) on Central Campus, off the dining commons behind the Bertolon, and the Mainstage Theatre-- you've been there, right? 700 seats on Lafayette Street. The Winfisky Gallery has new exhibits almost every 6 weeks. It's located on the first floor of the Ellison campus Center, and usually open from 10 am - 2 pm Monday through Friday. And dance studios are at the O'Keefe Center, on the first floor. Take a class and try them out! Or, head over to the Enterprise Center behind the bookstore, and on the first floor you will find SSU's Glassworks Studio, where you can watch a glassblowing class, or take one. That's just the beginning, so browse around and join in!
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