Wow, this is one busy student. Ashley Morris is a face you see in the Music Department, wherever, whenever. She's there! And she's talented. A music major with a minor in theatre, Ashley is a Presidential Arts Scholar who graduates May, 2011 and intends to become a music teacher. She is a vocalist and bassoonist, currently in College Chorus, Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Singers, and Percussion Ensemble. Her last semester will be spent in the Walt Disney World College Program in Florida. Between ensemble rehearsals and classes, she is employed by the music department as an attendant in the Music Resource Center and as the Concert Manager in the Recital Hall. Tired yet? She also tutors in the Music department, specifically for College Chorus, Fundamentals of Music, and Ear Training 1. Ashley's senior project will be a lesson plan for elementary students on opera, focusing on Gian Carlo Menotti's opera The Old Maid and the Thief, specifically the aria "The Kitchen". Her final semester on campus includes a Directed Study with Dr. Gary Wood on choral conducting.